Digital cooperation capability from IOTICS enables a decentralised data ecosystem for the Auriga Priority Services Registration and Essential Sharing Network engine.

The current energy and financial crisis, combined with the severe weather conditions at the end of 2022 have been described as the ‘perfect storm’ of risks for consumers in particularly vulnerable situations.

The system used to directly address and importantly help the way in which thousands of UK individuals are prioritised, protected, and supported within their home in case of an electricity outage or water shortage is now being revolutionised.

Auriga Services, a public benefit entity based in the Midlands, developed and has been running a pilot Essential Sharing Network (ESN) system for 18 months, which provides digital sharing of customer details between two utilities companies to help identify those most at risk in the case of water supply issues or power outages.

The system has operated extremely well throughout this period securely sharing over 20,000 per month and has grown to include a regional Fire and Rescue Service’s vulnerable customer data. Having proved the technology, it is now being further developed to provide scalability and the ability to adopt a multi-party data sharing system more rapidly.

David Woakes, Client Solutions Director at Auriga Services, comments: ‘Having proven the technology, the need to grow and scale quickly has proven essential to accommodate the demand for sharing of data to include multiple operators, utility companies, and additional third sector providers.

‘After establishing a Request for Proposal (RFP) exercise based on research completed of potential smaller scale data sharing models, IOTICS proved to be the best all round partner offering digital cooperation and the ability to not only share securely but scale our network at pace.’

To meet these challenges for securely sharing consumer data, Auriga understood the need for innovation via the use of IOTICSpace – enabling digital cooperation across a new economy of digital services.

Using a digital ecosystem, built around the principles of self-sovereignty and governance, Auriga are able to receive online and file-based information for Priority Services Registration and securely share up-to-date information with approved stakeholders, providing a complete support mechanism for Priority Service Users (PSUs) and comply with industry regulator requirements.

Ali Nicholl, Head of engagement at IOTICS said, ‘Auriga’s Essential Sharing Network is well named, it is essential for customers that contextualised information is shared across a network of utility, governmental and third sector partners to ensure individuals and society can flourish. IOTICS is proud to support Auriga in mitigating fears around data sharing, enabling data controllers to maintain control of their data, protecting their information, and sharing only what is needed, when it is needed, with whom it is needed. We’re excited to work with visionary companies and partners building ecosystems that develop over time, growing as trust evolves and value is realised.’

Each stakeholder has an IOTICSpace, to selectively share information and inputs across organisational boundaries. This semantically links asset data, context, and inputs across the ecosystem while ensuring that all parties maintain ownership and control of their own data, analytics and application.

Initially receiving Priority Service Registrations data via the Auriga engine, IOTICS-enabled digital cooperation provides an easily navigated ecosystem, where real-time and synthetic dynamic data is shared. It also has the flexibility to add and change participants, sources and consumers without need for costly and labour-intensive development or data governance issues. With the help of IOTICS, the whole process has been simplified, whilst maintaining a highly secure data environment.

David adds: ‘With Government bodies including Ofgem and Ofwat urging utilities to have robust data sharing systems in place we need continued focus and innovation to overcome challenges around those who need our support the most. The Auriga ESN engine supported with IOTICSpace technology is a giant leap forward in helping to make effective and timely data sharing become a reality.’

Auriga’s Essential Sharing Network Engine was established as the leading and enabling partner for the sharing of vulnerable customer data between stakeholders and to provide scale to grow the service to allow further support for consumers by sharing data with local council and emergency services, such as fire brigades, to improve the awareness of PSRs and volume of registrations.

Stakeholders of the Essential Sharing Network

  • Auriga Services
  • Thames Water
  • UKPN
  • London Fire Brigade

Auriga has secured itself as a leader in enabling Utility companies to ‘truly share’ and meet the challenges set by multiple Government bodies.

Gemma Beard, Business Development Manager at IOTICS said ‘IOTICS are excited to be partnering with Auriga to scale out their Essential Sharing Network and provide secure, selective data sharing for utilities around priority service users. Increasing demands for data sharing require rapid and flexible changes, by using the IOTICS approach of users retaining control of their data and sharing only what is needed, when it is needed – IOTICS helps build confidence in data sharing as trust evolves and use cases develop’

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