Lisa is a single parent of three young children. Her nine-year-old suffers from Autism, Asperger’s and social anxiety.  Her five-year-old has ADHD and she suffers from depression and anxiety.

She received advice on water and energy efficiency measures from our partnership with Severn Trent Water and engaged with a referral for further welfare support.  She needed assistance with her water arrears and new beds for her three children, as they were all broken. Lisa also required a divider for the boy’s room to separate them, as her eldest son’s autism was impacting her other son’s mental health.  Lisa also had a leak in her roof, which her housing association were overdue in fixing.  This ongoing leak affected her bathroom and consequently also needed to be repaired.

To address the hardship and mental health issues, we:

  • Made an application to the Family Fund (the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people) for the three beds, which was approved.
  • Applied to the Victoria Convalescent Trust (charity for recuperative care or respite care) for a room divider, which was also approved.
  • Supported her Severn Trent Trust Fund application which was approved, gaining a grant of £744 to clear her water charges.
  • Helped her apply for the Severn Trent Social Tariff, which was successful and reduced her bills going forward.
  • Liaised with her housing association to ensure that the roof and bathroom were fixed quickly, as this was causing distress for the family.

With support across multiple interventions, the household was helped by Auriga to get out of financial difficulty, manage their household budget and feel much safer and happier as a family at home.

Want to learn more about how we’ve been able to impact others, click here to read about how Auriga Services helped Kate ease her financial hardship.

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